John 10:10,  “I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.”

Eccl. 7:1-26

  • A good reputation is more valuable than costly per
  • Better to be criticized by a wise person than to be praised by a fool.
  • Finishing is better than starting.
  • Patience is better than pride.
  • Control your temper, for anger labels you a fool.
  • Don’t long for “the good old days.”  This is not wise.
  • Accept the way God does things
  • Enjoy prosperity while you can, but when hard times strike, realize that both come from God.
  • Remember that nothing is certain in this life.
  • One wise person is stronger than ten leading citizens of a town!
  • Not a single person on earth is always good and never sins.
  • Don’t eavesdrop on others, you may hear your servant curse you.  For you know how often you yourself have cursed others.

Eccl 7:27-29

“This is my conclusion,” says the Teacher. “I discovered this after looking at the matter from every possible angle. Though I have searched repeatedly, I have not found what I was looking for. Only one out of a thousand men is virtuous, but not one woman!  But I did find this: God created people to be virtuous, but they have each turned to follow their own downward path.

You can download the PowerPoint presentation: Nuggets for Life