Oh, I Love To Hear His Voice
This chorus was very popular in the 1940’s.
These words still hold true today.
It is found in the Yellow Rodeheavers Chorus Book.
Oh, I love to hear His voice
Saying you belong to me.
You are not your own
With a price you’re bought
And you’re mine eternally.
Oh, I love to hear Him say
I have saved you by my grace.
And when I get to glory
It will all be grander still
For I shall see His face.
Homer Rodeheaver was born on Oct,4, 1880 in Ohio. He became a very famous Music director, music publisher, composer of gospel songs and an Evangelist.
Homer played the trombone. He was a natural showman who could warm up his audience with jokes and direct choirs and congregations with his trombone. He would say that his instrument was a “Methodist Trombone” that would occasionally backslide. He enjoyed lively new gospel songs and Negro Spirituals because they emphasized harmony and rhythm with a definite purpose. Homer accompanied “Billy Sunday, the Baseball Evangelist”, on preaching tours. Homer was relentlessly cheerful. He died Dec.18, 1955