• Today is the last day for the Bake Challenge we will be drawing for the GRAND PRIZE a $25.00 gift card on Oct. 12th.
  • Barnabus Circle will meet at 6 p.m. on October 12th more details next week. We are going to Shady Acres in Brown County, Ruth will provide the Chili everyone else needs to bring all the sides and drinks. This is open to anyone in the church.
  • Our annual Harvest Party will be on October 18th please sign up to help out. The sign up sheets are on the back bulletin board. See Brenda Hogan if you would like to run a game. We also need some people to make games. Other great activities will be Face Painting and Men’s Chili Cook Off and Ladies bring your best Sweet Treat. We will judge the winners and give out Ribbons. See the bulletin board for a list of things needed!!!
  • NAB Great Lakes Association meeting will be October 18th at Hope Community Church.
  • Friday October 24th Game Night at Meridian Woods Baptist Church at 7:00 p.m.
  • Bible Study on to go along with the great movie “ Fireproof will start in a few weeks on Sunday nights at 6:00 p.m
  • The Secret Dinners will be starting soon………Have you been invited yet.?????????
  • Thanks to everyone that helped with the Dinner last week after the movie and thanks to every one who helped with the Fish Fry yesterday.


  • Sunday Night Movie at 4:30 p.m. for the Youth Group her at church. Please invite your friends for a great time of fun fellowship and bible study.
  • The youth are selling Zoo Books for $25.00 and Food and Fun Books for $10.00 ( If you buy 2009 Fun Book get a 2008 free coupons good until 11/08). Help support next years mission trip to Mexico.
  • Youth group on Sundays at MWBC at 4:30