January News
- Wednesday Night
If you would be interested in preparing a meal for Wednesday night please see Mark
Adult Prayer and Bible Study
Romans 4
Race with Jesus – Kids 4-5th grade 6:30PM
Youth – 6:30PM - Today at 5PM developing a mind for Christ will meet at the Petty’s for more information ask Mark.
- If you would be interested in serving on the outreach team please plan on attending a meeting today after connect groups, if you have any questions please see Amanda or Julie.
- Ladies Bible study will meet this week at 6PM at the church it is open for all ladies of the church, if you have any questions please ask Sandy today.
- The annual report of your donations for tax purposes is available today in your mail box. If you don’t have a mail box check the back table.
- Adults are needed each Sunday to care for our youngest children. If you feel led to volunteer in the nursery, please sign up today.
- Ministry Team is sponsoring lunch for workers at Midwest Food Bank on Thursday, January 19th. We need your help to donate food, prepare food and/or volunteer to serve food. See someone from ministry team to serve.
- If you would like to be a Sunday morning “Greeter”, now is the time to let us know by putting your name on the list. It would be great if each family would take turns.
- Ladies Day Out: Saturday, Feb. 6th has been chosen for a Ladies Day Out. This will be a roadtrip to Hebron, KY to the Gap Distribution Center and the Galleria Chocolate Company Store. Sign up today if you are interested so that all plans can be finalized.