This week
- Neighborhood Blitz Mon-Wed 7PM Just grab flyers and pass them out over 700 flyers we hope to get out, if you want to do it during the day just let tell pastor mark
- Thursday the church will be open between 7:30-8:30 for anyone wishing to come and prayer, take communion as well as Foot washing. This is open and pastor will be here to prayer with you if you desire.
- Friday Night Fish Fry’s starting April 3rd  4:30-6:45PM.
- Good Friday Service at 7:00PM
- Teen Easter Egg hunt at dark on Good Friday
- Easter Egg hunt @ 9AM Breakfast, Hunt @10AM
- Easter Program @5:40PM
How to Save a Life
April Events
- We need members to prepare meals for Bobby Hale and Sherry Hargis for the next few weeks. If you are able to do this, please see or call Ileta so that she can get you on the schedule. May God bless you for your generosity and kindness.
- CHANGE! CHANGE! CHANGE! Quarters, dimes, nickels, pennies… OH, my…..Next Sunday, bring all your change to church on Sundays to help eliminate some debt . We want to move forward with new projects and need to rid ourselves of outstanding debt.  The Ministry Team needs your help to raise $1500.00 during the month of April. See Ileta or Janice for additional information.
- Ministry Team Meeting will be Sunday, April 19th following small groups. See Ileta or Janice with any questions.