
  • It’s not to late to fund the mission trip for the teens. We will be taking a special offering to help with the cost of the trip at the end of the service.
  • The JohnsonCounty Fair is July 13th through July 19th at the Franklin Fair Grounds. If you can help set up please see Don Dolph for the details today or call him
  • It is an Honor to have our new ministry partner share with us today.Steve Melvin is the principle of Christian Prep Academy who will be sharing our building with us beginning in August.Please make Steve feel welcome today.

July Events

  • July 12th 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. the Christian Prep Academy will be having a car wash here at church. If you can bring your car and introduce yourself to our new ministry partners.
  • July 13th The Barnabus Circle picnic at Pat Davis’ home in Mooresville after church for all you young people 50 and up.
  • Discipleship meeting Friday night July 18th at 6:00 p.m. her at church.
  • The July Coffee House is cancelled this month please join us at the Johnson County Gospel Tent on Saturday the July 19th.
  • Get out your pictures and enjoy an evening of laughter and fun at the scrap booking class on July 25th at 6:30p.m.
  • July 26th Adult Night Out.
  • July 27th Forest Commons at 2:30

What’s Happening with the Youth
Pray for the teens on the mission trip this week. Pray that God will change them and the groups they will be serving.