Discipleship Team : February 2011

Rachel Smith We were made to become like Christ The purpose of the Discipleship Team is to encourage and provide opportunities for ...

Worship Team : February 2011

Kendall Petty Planned for God's pleasure "The Lord is pleased with those who worship him and trust his love"  - Psalm 147:11, CEV. Anything you...

Fellowship Team : February 2011

Leader Julie Petty Assistant Janet Kates We were formed for God’s family "Praise God for the privilege of being in Christ's family and being called by...

The Ministry Team: December 2010

Church appointments are coming up in December, if there is someone you would like to submit for consideration for an office for ...

Discipleship Team

The Disciple Team takes this time to use the words of the great poet - Henry W. Longfellow, to wish you and your's "Peace on earth, good-will to men! Merry Christmas!