Discipleship Team: September 2010
Notes on Leadership from the book "Leadership Gold" by John C. Maxwell
"Leaders make things better or worse for the people who follow...
Outreach Team: September 2010
How to Connect in 10 Seconds or Less by Steve Sjogren
When doing serving projects of any sort there is a moment of contact that...
Fellowship Team : September 2010
Up coming events:
Move nite it's going to be out side Sept25th. Harvest Dinner is coming up fast so get ready because we will...
Worship Team: September 2010
Greetings from the worship team! Well, the summer is over and we are sad to see Michelle go back to school. It...
The Woodshed: September 2010
As fall weather approaches it is going to be filled with many opportunities for the body of Christ to connect to the community...