The Woodshed : August 2010

It all started about twenty years ago when a handful of people with a heart for the city of Dayton, Ohio, led...

Hymn Time : June 2010

COME THOU ALMIGHTY KING Many of us have that thought in our minds these days.  The first time I sang this song was...

Outreach Team : June 2010

Greetings from outreach. Lots of upcoming events planned for this summer. We are going to need YOUR help to get the word out....

The Woodshed: June 2010

Farming today has changed since Algot's prime-time years, but not entirely. No perfectionist ought to seriously ponder the vocation of farming. Murphy's Law of“Whatever can go wrong will go wrong, and at the worst possible time, in the worst possible way” tends to be especially true in farming. When one lives on a thin margin, as in farming, where the difference between a season of profit or loss is in the minutiae, living in a ‘Ready for the challenge' attitude is imperative.

Discipleship Team : June 2010

A big thank you to the ones who helped out last Sunday in the Indy 500 Kid's Day Event. This was partnered with The Out Reach Team. Michelle is home from college and anxious to get started on planning VBS. See her if you have questions. Reminder - the dates are July 18th through the 22. Our next event will be June 18th at the church, Fine Arts 101. A sign up sheet will be in your bulletin on June 6th. If you want to know more about Quilting or need to learn the basic steps in sewing, this is the class for you. Dawn will be the leader for this Connect Group. If you are working on another sewing project, bring it with you. In progress are the Connect groups for men - GO FISH and for the ladies - MOCHA ON THE MOUNT. These groups are meeting on Wednesday nights at 6:30 pm. You can still join them.