Out Reach Team: January 2009

In the book “Becoming a Contagious Church”, Mark Mittelberg says...“God has given us nonnegotiable marching orders. Jesus was clear about his own mission (Luke 19:10 For the Son of Man came to seek and to save what was lost). Then, later he made it clear that he was sending us into the world to further this mission, (John 17:18 as you sent me into the work, I have sent them into the world,)

Wood Shed: January 2009

I am so excited about 2009, I believe that God is going to do some great and mighty things at Meridian Woods this year. I am asking God to give us at least 10 new families this year. I hope and pray that a building is going to be built this year at Meridian Woods. I am asking God to give us at least 24 people who accept Christ as their personal Savior this year. One last item that I am asking God for this year is that the people within the body of believers would become mature believers in by daily spending some time with our Creator and Sustainer of our lives.

The Ministry Team: November Issue

Starting next week 11/9 we will be preparing food baskets for 3 families for this Thanksgiving Day November 27th. Please bring non-perishable items such as can goods , box mixes or gift certificates to buy the perishable items.. There will be a donation basket available by the welcome table in the foyer.

Hymn Time : November Issue

The joyous anticipation of Christ’s return is celebrated with the promise that “Soon and Very Soon We are going to see the King”. This is the kind of song that has the audience up on their feet, swaying before the first line is even sung.

Worship Team: November Issue

The worship team is working together to bring you the best worship time possible each Sunday. We are working together with Pastor Mark to plan songs that correlate with his sermons. We meet the 1st Monday of each month to plan that month's songs, skits, and/or dramas. If you would ever like to share a special, it would be very welcomed and appreciated. If God leads you to share with us, please see Sarah Tegeler to be put on the schedule! Thank you and God Bless, The Worship Committee.