Today we continue to talk about mercy last week we looked at the mercy that the Father has given to all who accept Christ and why we are to be thankful for that act of mercy. The second have of this beatitude states and they will receive mercy for those who show mercy. What is meant by this statement? Are acts of mercy going to save us from the judgment of God? Is this what Jesus was teaching His disciples?
Blessed are the Merciful
Today as we celebrate the Lord’s Supper as a church. I want us to think about the mercy of God, and what mercy He showed each of us by sending His Son to die on the cross. The beatitude that we are going to discuss today and nest week is blessed are the merciful, for they will be showed mercy. Because of the mercy of god we are forgiven and promised eternal life if we put are hope and trust in His Son Jesus Christ.
Hunger and Thurst
As we continue our series on the beatitudes today we look at one which I believe is hard for most of us to understand in today’s world. Bless are those who hungry and thirst. I not for sure that we really understand what it means to hungry and thirst with fast food at our call and water supply is at a all time high with hundreds of different brands being sold today. I think that if you have experienced this it gives you a greater understanding of what Jesus is sharing in the verse. That intense desire for food and water is what I would like to focus on today.
Today we continue our series about the beatitudes from Mathew 5. Today we look at the next beatitude that Christ taught to the people and his disciples, and see what we can learn form these teachings of Christ.
The Beatitudes
Matthew 5
3Blessed are the poor in spirit,
for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
4Blessed are those who mourn,
for they will be comforted.
5Blessed are the...