How to Save a Life

Live a life that shows everyone one matters James 2: 8 If you really fulfill the royal law according to the Scripture, “You shall love...


Gentleness is power under control," It is the taming of a wild horse. Sometimes we might associate the world meek with gentleness. It is in that way that I wish to look at gentleness today. Many people think that when we mention meekness or gentleness, the first thing that comes to some of those minds is weakness, meekness is not weakness. As we celebrate Palm Sunday today, I see a clear picture of gentleness and meekness as Jesus rode into town.

Fruit of the Spirit: Faithfulness

Today we are going to spend a little time talking about faithfulness, another fruit of the Spirit. Faithfulness is rooted in the word faith, so what is faithfulness, faithfulness is the characteristic of being reliable, unfailing, responsible, steady and sure. Is that you today, as you thing about this fruit in your life would people say he or she is faithful they are trustworthy, and people of their word. I want us to look at a life of someone who wasn’t perfect but stayed faithful because He believed in God.

Fruits of the Spirit: Goodness

Today is our fifth sermon on the fruits of the spirit that each and every believer is encouraged to have in Galatians 5. Today we look at goodness, some of you may think that is the same as kindness that we spoke about last week, but it is not or Paul would not mention it in the passage. Kindness is caring; goodness is doing the right thing.

Fruits of the Spirit: Kindness

Today we talk about another fruit of the spirit, Kindness. The bible has much to say about kindness and what we have received from a God who continues to show kindness to His creation everyday. We have the promise of eternal life because of the kindness of God who sent His only Son, as a act of kindness. So what is kindness? I came across this definition form Thomas Long a professor at Wheaton College, “Kindness is a refusal to look at other people in the light of how they are in the present tense and an insistence on looking at them in the light of what God is making of them in God's future.