What patience brings

Long-tempered "Possessing or demonstrating quiet, uncomplaining endurance under distress or annoyance; tolerant, tender and forbearing; capable of tranquilly awaiting results."

Fruits of the Spirit

We continue our series on the fruits of the spirit today. Today we are going to be discussing peace, when here all about peace in our world today. Can I just get a little peace and quiet, or the sixties people had the peace sign. Everybody wants world peace , but that will never come until the end. So what can we learn about peace today from the scripture that will be used and applies in our lives this week and hopefully for some here today the rest of your lives.

Fruit of Spirit Joy

Today we look at the second fruit of the spirit mentioned in Galatians 5, Joy. What is joy is it just be happy or is deeper than that, I believe that is deeper than just happiness. Happiness usually depends on the circumstance that we are dealing with in our lives.. True Joy never depends on circumstances. So what is this joy? Christian joy, the fruit of the Spirit, keeps our eyes fixed on Jesus and keeps us going through times of sorrow, misery, pain, suffering, illness, loss, misfortune, despair, grief, trouble, affliction, trial, and tribulation.

Fruits Of The Spirit: Love that Lasts

Today we continue our series on the fruits of the spirit. Looking tat the fruit that God would like to see produced in our lives, we today are going to again look at love. Today in our world we see so many selfish acts in the church and world that we wonder while we are in the shape that now live end. So I want us to look at selfishness and then will we need to do to have loving in our lives through the years.

Fruits of the Spirit Week One Love the Greatest

Today we begin a new series on the fruits of the Spirit. One of the hopes and prayers of the church leaders is that we draw closer to the Lord in our lives this year. We don’t want a much of religious people coming to the church we want fully devoted followers of Christ. One of the greatest ways to walk closer to Him is to make sure that the fruits is showing in our lives so pray as we go through this series that you will indeed produce some fruit.