God has designed each person’s appearance, voice pattern, abilities, strengths, weaknesses, and other characteristics, as well as his spiritual gifts.  Each person is to participate in the body of  Christ by demonstrating Christ-like attitudes and by building others up through the use of his God-given resources. Do you take the “time’ to encourage someone? Have you taken “time” to  use your spiritual gift lately?

Take the “time” to be blessed!

We are looking for a leader for the new small group for singles. Are you the one? Talk to Pastor Mark if you feel your gift-mix would be good for this new leadership roll.

The month of June is all about Vacation Bible School, known as VBS. Our dates this year are:

June 15th -June 19th. It’s a good “time” to lend a hand to help bring children to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. Michelle Davis is in charge. Be involved. Bring your children to VBS. Again, take the “time” to be blessed!

Winners of our “Bible Challenge” were:

1. Sarah Tegler
2. Debbie Eldridge
3. Krisiti Campbell
4. Rachel Yeager
5th place was Kay Davis and Susan Harris. We had 28 participants in the fun “time”. Thank you! The hardest question was – From what book of the Bible is this scripture found……”And now, dear lady, I am not writing you a new command but one we have had from the beginning. I ask that we love one another.”  (NIV)

What is your answer?