We have asked that the congregation fill out a paper stating the following information.
If You Could……….
If you could do one thing all day long, (except work) what would it be?
What do you love to do?
What are your hobbies?
What would you like to teach others to do?
What are you passionate about?
We would like to learn more about what the people of our church like to do in their spare time and how they could use their hobbies/talents to teach others different skills, and at the same time have time to open their homes, and fellowship with other members of the church who they may not otherwise, get to spend time with or learn about. If you are interested in having a small Connect group or leading one, please contact Pastor Mark or Sandy. We can help you set up your materials.
There will be a National Prayer Summit, October 16 -18, 2009 on the Focus On The Family Campus,
Colorado Springs, Colorado. The main speaker will be Tony Perkins, President of Family Research Council in Washing ton D.C. This is a call to the nation for believers to get on their knees before the Lord in repentant prayer based on 2 Chronicles 7:14. They will be covering the nation by praying for the seven centers of power, including: Government, Military, Media, Business, Education, Church and Family. These are the same centers we prayed for on the National Day of Prayer in May.