The outreach team would like to thank everyone for their help with the bring a friend to church…Also a big thanks to everyone who brought food for the pitch in… We will be having more of these events. We would like to start having bring a friend day once a month and with every ones help this could be a start of a great thing.

In August all the teams will be coming together for a community picnic! There will be fun, food and lots of thins to do for all. Be watching for more details. This will be a great day for friends and family to spend together. If you would like to help with the picnic you can get with any team leader. We will find something you can do.

The outreach team also wants to remind you that we are here to serve you, so if there is anything that we can do for you just let us know… We all could use a helping hand sometimes and we are here to lend a hand to anyone with a need ( big or small)!!!! Once again a big thanks to every one for all there help.