In the book “Becoming a Contagious Church”, Mark Mittelberg says…“God has given us nonnegotiable marching orders. Jesus was clear about his own mission (Luke 19:10 For the Son of Man came to seek and to save what was lost).

Then, later he made it clear that he was sending us into the world to further this mission, (John 17:18 as you sent me into the work, I have sent them into the world,)

And, lest there be any confusion, he summarized out task one more time when he said it in
(Mathew 29:19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,)”
These verses reiterate the Great Commission.

The outreach team would like you to spend time in prayer this week about our church’s mission. Connecting to Community through faith, hope, and love.

The Outreach team plans to get the entire congregation involved in reaching out to lost souls this year. We will continue small activities like the water/coke handouts, but we would also like to plan a few larger events that would include time spent discussing/presenting the good news of Jesus.

We need your help!
We need ideas and access to your spiritual gifts to make these events successful. We would like anyone to come to meetings with ideas and/or encouragement.

Next meeting will be Jan18th after church, during small group time.
Also, weather permitting, we will be shoveling show and putting salt on driveways and porches in our community.
So… if you want a call when we plan to go out sign up on the bulletin board in back. In addition, if you would like to donate a bag of salt for the event, please bring it to church and leave it under the coat rack.