A Note from the Ministry Team.

Friday morning as I started out the door I heard the birds singing, Valerie told me she had saw robins, and now the snow is starting to melt as the temperatures are rising. I haven’t heard a forecast of more snow to come so maybe, just maybe spring is finally on its way. It’s with the same anticipation that we look forward to the exciting things that are happening at our church. We would like to thank everyone who helped make the Ministry Team’s Bake sale a success. Our project for March is donating lunch for the workers and staff at the Midwest Food Bank. They provide a great service in sending food and supplies to the devastated areas of our nation. We will be going March 15th to serve from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Please see the sign up sheet on the bulletin board in back hall to see if there is anything you can help us with. If the Ministry Team can be of any service to you or if you know of anyone or a family that is in need please let us know.

The Ministry Team

Ileta, Janice, Kristi, Sylvia and Valerie