Are You Hiding Your Gift In the Drawer?
Everyone has a role or part to play in church. When Christ interred your life, gifts from the Holy Spirit came too. Sometimes we don’t realize the purpose of having these gifts. Other times, we may be afraid to acknowledge the gifts…..what if God asked me to do something I just can’t do…what if I don’t do it right….
or maybe I”m too busy to help the church just now….or I just don’t want to know. Can someone help me find mine? Maybe I should just not use it and keep it in the drawer.
Each gift that you have is especially designed for you. What do you really get excited about doing? Have a clear understanding of the gifts and how they are used. Get it out of the drawer, and use it!
Ask questions. Ask the Ministry team how you can find out more, become a working part of the body of Christ. Find your place in building our church. Use it for the good of God’s people. Be happy to help.
Read in your Bible the following for better understanding of gifts of the Holy Spirit.
Romans 12:6 -8
1 Corinthians 12:8 -10, 28 – 30
Ephesians 4:11
1 Peter 4: 9 -11