Today we conclude our series on risktakers in the Bible.  I decided to to preach on e morw sermon on this series as I read about the life of Christ and relationsahip He had with Peter.  Peter is one who many times struck his foot in his mounth, when it came to serving, but I want us to remember that even in his brash ways Peter was a disciple in many ways we all need to strive to be like.  I want to focus on the time that Christ and Peter walked on the water, many would look at this as a failure, but I want to look at the positive and have you remember the top ten words of this story and apply them to your life.

  1. Go  – Matt. 14:22 –
    Immediately after this, Jesus insisted that his disciples get back into the boat and cross to the other side of the lake, while he sent the people home.
  2. Pray  – Matt 14:23 –
    he went up into the hills by himself to pray. Night fell while he was there alone.
  3. Fear Matt 14:24-25
    They were troubled , and cried out in fear.
  4. Question Matt 14:29
    If it is you
  5. Come Matt 14:29
  6. Do Matt 14:29
    Left the solid ground
  7. Satan Matt 14: 30
    But when he saw the strong wind and the waves, he was terrified
  8. Help – Matt 14: 30
    Lord, Save Me
  9. Power – Matt 14: 32
    The Wind ceased
  10. Glory – Matt 14:33
    Worship Him , You are the Son of God