This Month
- The Fellowship team is hosting a craft night for the ladies and a men’s night out on February 26th. Please see someone on the fellowship team for more details.
- Forrest Commons assisted living service at 2PM Sunday February 28th, if you would be interested in serving please see Janice or Sandy, we need singers and speakers each month.
- Sunday February 28th after the morning worship service the outreach team will be having a meeting to discuss the fish fry, if you would like to serve and see how you can help reach this community plan on staying to listen. If you have questions, please see Amanda or Julie.
- In the next few weeks we will be starting a new class on Sunday morning that we are asking everyone in church to attend at sometime. It is a class to explain to anyone wondering what Woodside is all about. Please sign up in the back, If Sunday is not a good day we will also offer the class another evening of the week. This will be a four week class that last about 45 minutes.
- Tithes and Offering
Please remember that we need the support of everyone at church to keep the ministry operating at Woodside. We will be putting out a new budget in the next few weeks, this budget will be an aggressive budget but we believe God will supply our needs. Just remember that you can go online and donate to the church or use the debit card here at church. Since the new year began we are almost $4000.00 behind on giving at this point going off of last years budget, last year we needed almost $1600.00 a week. Please be faithful in this area as we seek to grow the church it takes financial support of every member.