Youth Connect

Woodside Youth Connect is a place for
Loving, Learning and Serving God and Others

Core Values

  1. Love God and love other people with our entire being
    • Matthew 22:37-40
  2. Have a deeper relationship with God through reading Scripture and daily prayer.
    • Psalm 119:11; 2 Timothy 3:16,17; Joshua 1:8; 1Thessalonians 5:17; Acts 2:42
  3. Build/Strengthen Your Faith.
    • Hebrews 11:1-40; Romans 5:1-21, 3:21-26, 4:13-24
  4. Stay connected to Christ.
    • Colossians 2:6-7; John 15:1-10
  5. Look at everyone with Christ-like compassion.
    • Matthew 9:12, 13, 36; Luke 19:10
  6. Reach out to others through faithful witness and evangelism
    • Matthew 5:16, 28:19,20
  7. Live life to the fullest, with the joy that God provides.
    • John 10:10; 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18; Philippians 4:6,7
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