- http://www.ustream.tv/channel/woodside-community-church
watch a live broadcast of services. - Ladies Bible study will meet this week at 6PM at the church it is open for all ladies of the church, if you have any questions please ask Sandy today.
- The annual report of your donations for tax purposes is available today in your mail box. If you don’t have a mail box check the back table.
- Adults are needed each Sunday to care for our youngest children. If you feel led to volunteer in the nursery, please sign up today.
- Ministry Team is sponsoring lunch for workers at Midwest Food Bank on Thursday, January 19th. We need your help to donate food, prepare food and/or volunteer to serve food. See someone from ministry team to serve.
- If you would like to be a Sunday morning “Greeter”, now is the time to let us know by putting your name on the list. It would be great if each family would take turns.
Saturday, Feb. 6th has been chosen for a Ladies Day Out. This will be a roadtrip to Hebron, KY to the Gap Distribution Center and the Galleria Chocolate Company Store. Sign up today if you are interested so that all plans can be finalized.
Super Bowl Party on the big screen!
Sunday, February 7th 5pm until ?
This is a pitchin so please sign up on the sign up sheet and bring your favorite drink and grub! As usual bring your favorite games! Eucre’, Zonk, Uno and don’t forget Our Very OWN Cheer Leaders!!! (start practicing for the big day)!!!!!!
Movie and Dinner
Next Saturday January 30th at 4:30PM
Come and watch second chance and then head out to dinner at
Fiesta Ranchero on Southport Road.