Ways to Evangelize

Acts 1:8 And you will be my witnesses, telling people about me everywhere—in Jerusalem, throughout Judea, in Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”


Today we continue our series about the beatitudes from Mathew 5. Today we look at the next beatitude that Christ taught to the people and his disciples, and see what we can learn form these teachings of Christ.

Risk Takers

Today we begin a new series on some of the great risk takers in the scriptures. Those who stepped out in faith not knowing what the futures holds, but were willing to trust God for all the answers. God never called us to a life of comfort but did promise us a full overflowing life when we remain in Him. So we begin today with what I think was a giant leap of faith for a group of people and what happens when we step in faith and how we as a church need to continue to take the unknown path.

The Hope of a Nation

Today is the beginning of the advent season the start of the new year for the church, each year we lit candle and have reading that relate to the advent season and this year I want to spend some time talking abut each of the over the next four weeks. I want our kids to be able to answer the question why do we light these candles each year. The three purple candles in the Advent wreath symbolize hope, peace, and love. These candles are lit on the first, second, and fourth Sundays of Advent. The rose candle, which symbolizes joy, is usually lit on the third Sunday.

Demonstrating Love By Serving

Today we continue talking about the process that we as a church believe that the bible show us on how to make disciples, which is the command that Jesus Christ gave us some 2000 years ago. Step one is to share hope with those whom the Lord is leading. Step two that we looked at last week is two grow in our faith.