People Responded

Today we continue looking into why they had to kill Jesus. Last week we realized that Jesus made the people make a decision on following him and the leaders of that day didn’t like that Way of doing things. Today I want to focus on a miracle of Jesus and show the next reason that they had to do it was because, people responded to his ministry, which was an easier way than they had been previously taught by the leaders of the day.

The Big Catch

Luke 5:1-11 Jesus was standing on the shore of Lake Gennesaret, teaching the people as they crowded around him to hear God's message. 2Near...

The Big Catch Servant Evangelism

It is the kindness of God that makes all the difference.

  1. "Don’t you know that the kindness of God leads you to repentance." Rom. 2:4
  2. "Effective evangelism requires little training. Friendly, openhearted people make the best evangelists." Steve Sjogren, Conspiracy of Kindness

He Final Bait: Living as example

Today we wrap up our series on the different kinds of bait that we can use to present the Gospel to those who are seeking and looking for hope. It is our prayer that we will have the opportunity to put this in practice in the coming weeks. Pray the God opens a door for you to be able to share the Good news this week.

A Wilderness Adventure It’s Not Forever

Next week we wrap up our series A wilderness Adventure, today I want to spend a few minutes talking about this experience as it relates to our lives and how short they really are, compared to the long term.