Risk taker is what we have been studying over the last few weeks and will continue to look at scripture for others who risked a lot. Today I again want to address a petition from a saint who cried out in great anguish to the Lord for something that many thought was impossible.

I Samuel 1-2

  1. The Problem  1:1-7
    1. No children
    2. Provoked to misery
  2. The Petition 1:11
    1. Give a Child
    2. Give the Child
  3. The Praise 1: 20
    1. Samuel – From the Lord
  4. The Promise 1:27-28
    1. Given to the Lord
    2. Grew before the Lord
    3. Prophet of the Lord
  5. The Practice for us today.
    1. Be faithful – 1:7
      1. Year after year it was the same . . . . as they went to the Tabernacle.
    2. Be True – 1:27-28
      1. I asked the LORD to give me this boy, and he has granted my request. Now I am giving him to the LORD, and he will belong to the LORD his whole life.” And they worshiped the LORD there.
    3. Be Blessed – 2:2,21
      1. There is none holy like the Lord, there is none besides You; there is no Rock like our God.
      2. GOD was most especially kind to Hannah. She had three more sons and two daughters! The boy Samuel stayed at the sanctuary and grew up with GOD.

You can download the PowerPoint presentation: Risk Taker: Part IV