July Events
- Articles for the News Letter are due today.
- July 27th Forest Commons at 2:30
- July 28th Leadership Meeting at 6PM( This is a change in time) .
- Coming in August 3rd. Picnic in the Park sponsored by the Out Reach Team. Next Sunday in the afternoon we will have a picnic at Garfield Park.
- Please go by the bulletin board in back and make sure your contact information is right. Once we get all the information it will be a contact list for your deacons to call and see how you and your family are doing. This is the last week to do this and in the newsletter next month we will have the updated information.
- Leadership Team:The meeting has been changed to 6PM because of some scheduling with a person who will be speaking to us by conference call. Please see Mark today to get a folder to be ready for this conference call.
- Bowling anyone: If you would be interested in playing n a bowling league on Sunday nights at Southern Bowl now is the time to sign up. The cost is around $15 per week and it is a co-ed league if we could get 8-10 people to sign up that would keep cost down since only 4 play each week.
- If you are using the church for any reason please remember to clean up after yourself each time. Also, please remember that the computer is the only one we have and should not be used for personal reasons or work.