Bulletin: For The Week of September 13, 2009

Small Groups If you would be interested in hosting a small group at your home any night of the week please tell Sandy Gilkerson...

Bulletin – For The Week of August 24,2008

Any one interested in a small group Bible Study on Monday nights at 7:00 p.m. please sign up in back. We will be doing a six week study on a topic of your choice. Please sign up and list the topic you have an interest in studying.

Bulletin – For The Week of October 5,2008

Our annual Harvest Party will be on October 18th please sign up to help out. The sign up sheets are on the back bulletin board. See Brenda Hogan if you would like to run a game. We also need some people to make games. Other great activities will be Face Painting and Men’s Chili Cook Off and Ladies bring your best Sweet Treat. We will judge the winners and give out Ribbons. See the bulletin board for a list of things needed!!!

Bulletin – For The Week of November 16,2008

Harvest Dinner Praise God for the wonderful night of family and fellowship. A Special thanks to everyone who worked so hard to make this event successful. If you missed the opportunity to contribute to the offering you can still do so, just mark it as offering for the Harvest Dinner or you can use you credit or debit card or go on line at woodsidecc.alprocess.com and make your donation..

Bulletin: For The Week of March 15,2009

This week
  • Friday Night Fish Fry’s starting March 20th –April 10th 4:30-6:30 p.m. Mark your calendar and enjoy these convent and easy Friday night meals. If you can donate your time or any items needed please see Amanda.