Bulletin: For The Week of May 9, 2010

This Friday night Sarah will begin Sports night, see her for information. This week we will be playing volleyball at the church. We will begin at 6PM and end around 8PM. Invite a friend out to play this is for teens and up. Some one will be babysitting the little if needed but please let us know if little ones are coming so we can plan.

Bulletin: For The Week of May 3,2009

New Small group class will be starting in the nest few weeks. Pastor Mark will be teaching. It is open for anyone.

Gardening, anyone that might be interested in helping to plant a garden please see Mark or call him this week. It will be ready to plant at the end of the week if all goes well

Bulletin: For The Week of Aug 15, 2010

100/100 sign up now! Present Number 62/100 The leaders of the church believe in the program so much that they stepped up for 32 of the 100 spots what can you do with the help of the Lord! Let’s get rid of the debt today with a $3300.00 offering we will have paid off the architect, surveyor and appraisal for the church if everybody steps up a little the debt will be gone.

Bulletin: For The Week of January 17, 2010

Super Bowl Party on the big screen! Sunday, February 7th 5pm until ? This is a pitchin so please sign up on the sign up sheet and bring your favorite drink and grub! As usual bring your favorite games! Eucre', Zonk, Uno and don't forget Our Very OWN Cheer Leaders!!! (start practicing for the big day)!!!!!!

Bulletin: For The Week of July 25, 2010

If you would be interested in sitting at a booth at the Marion County Fair this week for the church, please see Mark or Don today. It is inside a air conditioned building and the hours are 5-10 PM