Bulletin – For The Week of August 10,2008

Bowling anyone
If you would be interested in playing n a bowling league on Sunday nights at Southern Bowl now is the time to sign up. The cost is around $15 per week and it is a co-ed league if we could get 8-10 people to sign up that would keep cost down since only 4 play each week.

Bulletin: For The Week of Oct 24, 2010

Mark your Calendars for Sunday, November 7th for the Harvest Dinner @ 5:30pm. Start thinking now about who you can invite. Tickets now on sale!

Bulletin: For The Week of January 25,2009

January 25th we will be ministering to the residents of Forest Commons Assisted Living Community. Anyone who would likes to sing and praise God is invited to join us at 2:p.m.

Bulletin – For The Week of December 21,2008

Thanks to everyone in the church family who worked so hard to make this program possible. You are so appreciated! We dedicate this program to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ to whom we owe everything. Our prayer is that this program will glorify you!

Bulletin: For The Week of February 28, 2010

In the next few weeks we will be starting a new class on Sunday morning that we are asking everyone in church to attend at sometime. It is a class to explain to anyone wondering what Woodside is all about. Please sign up in the back, If Sunday is not a good day we will also offer the class another evening of the week. This will be a four week class that last about 45 minutes.