Bulletin – For The Week of October 19,2008
Harvest Dinner - Sunday, November 9th at 5:30 p.m.
See a member of the Fellowship Team to buy your tickets now. Start planning now to invite your family, friends and co-workers or those that God lays on your heart to ask.
Grace College from Winona Lake Indiana will be here presenting the History of Music a look through music over the years.
We have set a offering goal of $5000.00 for this evening please begin planning now for this special offering.
Bulletin – For The Week of October 11,2008
Our annual Harvest Party will be on October 18th please sign up to help out. The sign up sheets are on the back bulletin board. See Brenda Hogan if you would like to run a game. We also need some people to make games. Other great activities will be Face Painting and Men’s Chili Cook Off and Ladies bring your best Sweet Treat. We will judge the winners and give out Ribbons. See the bulletin board for a list of things needed!!!
Bulletin – For The Week of October 5,2008
Our annual Harvest Party will be on October 18th please sign up to help out. The sign up sheets are on the back bulletin board. See Brenda Hogan if you would like to run a game. We also need some people to make games. Other great activities will be Face Painting and Men’s Chili Cook Off and Ladies bring your best Sweet Treat. We will judge the winners and give out Ribbons. See the bulletin board for a list of things needed!!!
Bulletin – For The Week of September 28,2008
The Ministry Team would like to challenge all of you who have the” most delicious pastry treat or other treats ever” to bring it on one of the 4 Sundays in Sept. to enter into the “ 1st Annual Bake Off Challenge “ at Meridian Woods Baptist.
Bulletin – For The Week of September 21,2008
Bake Challenge: The Ministry Team would like to challenge all of you who have the” most delicious pastry treat or other treats ever” to bring it on one of the 4 Sundays in Sept. to enter into the “ 1st Annual Bake Off Challenge “ at Meridian Woods Baptist. The Sept 14th winner is Janice Norman with her peach pie turnover. Congratulations Janice!!!!