Bulletin – For The Week of August 3,2008

Any one interested in a small group Bible Study on Monday nights at 7:00 p.m. please sign up in back. We will be doing a six week study on a topic of your choice. Please sign up and list the topic you have an interest in studying.

Bulletin – For The Week of July 27,2008

Bowling anyone? If you would be interested in playing n a bowling league on Sunday nights at Southern Bowl now is the time to sign up. The cost is around $15 per week and it is a co-ed league if we could get 8-10 people to sign up that would keep cost down since only 4 play each week.

Bulletin – For the Week of July 6,2008

Announcements It's not to late to fund the mission trip for the teens. We will be taking a special offering to help ...